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나는 지금 할아버지가 주신 이 수첩에 일기를 쓴다. 부디 이 수첩에 아름다운 추억만을 남기게 되었으면…오늘 우리는 새로 건설한 병실로 새집들이를 했다. 병원에서 한 달 이상 치료를 받아야 한다던 대장 동지가 병실 이동 때문에 닷새만에 억지로 퇴원해 왔다. 우리는 모두 대장 동지를 보면서 걱정했지만, 대장 동지는 새 집에 와보니 아픔이 다 달아났다고 웃는 것이었다. A: 대장 동지! 대장 동지, 이 족자는 대장 동지 방에…어머, 또 아픕니까? B: 새 집에 오니 병이 천리 밖으로 달아난 것 같애. C: 대장 동지, 오늘 아침에 저, 건설부장동지에게서 전화가 왔었습니다. 대장 동지의 건강이 걱정이라면서… B: 정치부장 동지가 또 과장해서 보고를 했군요. C: 네, 참. B: 별일 없습니다. 걱정 마십시오. C: 아닙니다. 다른 사람 같았으면 벌써…그래서 위원회에서도 대책을 세우고 있답니다. B: 대책을요? C: 네, 아, 그리고 탄광에서 이틀 후에 예술소조공연을 진행하는데 우리와 연합공연을 하자고 제안하는걸, 시간이 맞지 않아서 대답을 주지 못했습니다. B: 연합공연을요? C: 네, 탄광에서는 벌써 시연회를 시작했답니다. B: 시연회? C: 네. D: 대장 동지, 사관장 정춘용, 만날 수 있습니까? B: 무슨 일이요? D: 대장 동지, 탄광에서 제기한 연합공연을 우리가 거절했다는 게 사실입니까? B: 그렇소. D: 야, 왜 거절합니까? B: 공연을 준비할 시간이 모자라. D: 우리야 돌격대가 아닙니까? “필요하다면 결심부터 세우고, 방도는 후에 찾으라!” 이건 대장 동지가 우리한테 늘 하는 말이 아닙니까? B: 하하하…춘용 동무도 처녀는 처녀로구만. 무대에 나서고 싶어 몸살이 난 걸 보니. D: 대장 동지, 저 때문에 그러지 않습니다. 대장 동지, 저하고 갑시다. 네? B: 하하하… 다음은 위대한 장군님의 구상을 높이 받들고, 우리 탄광으로 달려와 피 끓는 청춘으로 새 탄밭을 마련해가고 있는 전국청년고속도굴진돌격대원들이 출연하겠습니다. F: 제복을 입으니까, 참, 멋있구나! 중창: 너와 나 고향을 멀리 떠나서, 동지의 사랑 맺었지. 위훈의 노래를 함께 부르며, 시련도 헤치며 왔네. 뜨거운 정을 나누며 깊어진 우리 사랑, 영원히 영원히 안고 살리라, 동지의 사랑. G: 석지연 비서 동지, 저 동무가 지난 번 낙반 사고 때… H: 알고 있소. I: 동지들, 전 동지들을 다는 모릅니다. 그러나 동지들은 모두 절 알고 있습니다. 언제 한 번 만나 본 적도…
At this time I’m writing a journal in this notebook that my grandfather gifted me. Hopefully, only beautiful memories would be recorded in this notebook... today we gave a housewarming party to the newly built hospital building. Once considered to be treated for over a month in the hospital, the chief comrade actually got discharged by force in just five days from the hospital due to the transition of hospital rooms. We all were worried about his health, but the chief comrade himself, with laughter, said all his pains have gone away as he saw a new building. A: Chief comrade! Chief comrade, this hanging scroll would fit your office... Oh my gosh, do you feel pains again? B: Once having moved into a new building, you know it is like my disease ran hundreds of miles away. C: Chief comrade, by the way, this morning, a phone call came from the head comrade of the Construction Department. He said he was worried about the chief comrade’s health conditions... B: Again, your head of the Political Department apparently made an exaggerated report, right? C: Well, anyway. B: There’s not any special problem. You don’t have to get worried. C: No way. If you were a different person, already... so I heard that the committee was devising some measures. B: Some measures? C: Yeah, yeah... and the coal mine is going to have a musical art performance in 2 days, suggesting to present a joint performance with us, but I couldn’t answer due to difficulties in making up a schedule. B: You mean a joint performance? C: Yes, the coal mine is said to have already gotten the trial performance started. B: Trial performance? C: Indeed. D: Chief comrade, I’m chief officer Jung Choon-yong. Can I talk to you? B: What’s the matter with you? D: Chief comrade, is it true that we refused to have a joint performance suggested by the coal mine? B: Yes, it’s true. D: Hey, why did you refuse? B: We don’t have time to prepare for the performance. D: We are shock guards, aren’t we? “First make up your mind if needed; and later look for the way!” This is the slogan your chief comrade speaks to us all the time, right? B: Hahaha... no doubt Choon-yong comrade is really a young girl. You are now dying for the chance to make a stage appearance. D: Chief comrade, it’s nothing to do with me. Chief comrade, please come with me. Yes? B: Hahaha... Next, there will be a performance by National Youth High Speed Digging Shock Guards who in honor of the will of the Great General, rushed to our coal mine, currently cultivating the new coal field with all blood-boiling young energy. F: Wearing uniforms makes them look really awesome! Chorus: You and I, far away from home, have become united in love as comrades. Singing songs of great achievement together, we’ve come through hardships. Our love that has become deeper and deeper as sharing great affection, in which we will live forever and ever, love of comrades... G: Seok Ji-yeon secretary comrade, that comrade is the one involved in the last roof falling accident, you know.... H: I know that. I: Comrades, I don’t know all of you comrades. However, you comrades know me well. Although there was not a chance to meet face to face...
Native Question
Native Question
탄광에서 마련한 예술소조공연에서 중창을 부른 단체는?
다음 중 병원에서 한 달 이상 치료를 받아야 한다던 대장 동지가 닷새만에 억지로 퇴원하게 된 원인은? A) 병실 이동 B) 예술소조공연 C) 시연회
다음 진술에 대하여 ‘참’ 또는 ‘거짓’으로 답변하십시오: “대장 동지는 평소에 대원들에게 ‘필요하다면 결심부터 세우고, 방도는 후에 찾으라!’라고 강조했다.”
다음 진술에 대하여 ‘참’ 또는 ‘거짓’으로 답변하십시오: “예술소조공연에는 위대한 장군님의 구상을 높이 받들고, 우리 탄광으로 달려와 피 끓는 청춘으로 새 탄밭을 마련해가고 있는 전국청년고속도굴진돌격대원들도 참여했다.”
다음 중 대장 동지가 탄광에서 제기한 연합공연을 거절한 이유는? A) 질병 B) 낙반 사고 C) 시간 부족
Native Answer
Native Answer
정답은 ‘전국청년고속도굴진돌격대.’
정답은 ‘A.’
정답은 ‘참.’
정답은 ‘참.’
정답은 ‘C.’
English Question
English Question
Which group performed the chorus at the coal mine musical art performance?
Why did the chief comrade who was supposed to be hospitalized over a month get discharged by force in five days? A) Transition of hospital rooms B) Musical art performance C) Trial performance
Please answer with either “True” or “False” about the following proposition: “The chief comrade often said, ‘First make up your mind if needed; And later look for the way!’”
Please answer with either “True” or “False” about the following proposition: “The musical art performance was also joined by National Youth High Speed Digging Shock Guards who in honor of the will of the Great General, rushed to our coal mine, currently cultivating the new coal field with all blood-boiling young energy.”
Which of the following is the actual reason why the chief comrade refused to have a joint performance suggested by the coal mine? A) Disease B) Roof falling accident C) Insufficient amount of time
English Answer
English Answer
The correct answer is “National Youth High Speed Digging Shock Guards.”
The correct answer is “A.”
The correct answer is “True.”
The correct answer is “True.”
The correct answer is “C.”
English Word
Housewarming party
대장 동지
Chief comrade
Hanging scroll
Musical art performance
Joint performance
Coal mine
Trial performance
Shock guards
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Native Quiz
Native Answer
English Quiz
English Answer
나는 지금 할아버지가 주신 이 수첩에 일기를 쓴다. 부디 이 수첩에 아름다운 추억만을 남기게 되었으면…오늘 우리는 새로 건설한 병실로 새집들이를 했다. 병원에서 한 달 이상 치료를 받아야 한다던 대장 동지가 병실 이동 때문에 닷새만에 억지로 퇴원해 왔다. 우리는 모두 대장 동지를 보면서 걱정했지만, 대장 동지는 새 집에 와보니 아픔이 다 달아났다고 웃는 것이었다. A: 대장 동지! 대장 동지, 이 족자는 대장 동지 방에…어머, 또 아픕니까? B: 새 집에 오니 병이 천리 밖으로 달아난 것 같애. C: 대장 동지, 오늘 아침에 저, 건설부장동지에게서 전화가 왔었습니다. 대장 동지의 건강이 걱정이라면서… B: 정치부장 동지가 또 과장해서 보고를 했군요. C: 네, 참. B: 별일 없습니다. 걱정 마십시오. C: 아닙니다. 다른 사람 같았으면 벌써…그래서 위원회에서도 대책을 세우고 있답니다. B: 대책을요? C: 네, 아, 그리고 탄광에서 이틀 후에 예술소조공연을 진행하는데 우리와 연합공연을 하자고 제안하는걸, 시간이 맞지 않아서 대답을 주지 못했습니다. B: 연합공연을요? C: 네, 탄광에서는 벌써 시연회를 시작했답니다. B: 시연회? C: 네. D: 대장 동지, 사관장 정춘용, 만날 수 있습니까? B: 무슨 일이요? D: 대장 동지, 탄광에서 제기한 연합공연을 우리가 거절했다는 게 사실입니까? B: 그렇소. D: 야, 왜 거절합니까? B: 공연을 준비할 시간이 모자라. D: 우리야 돌격대가 아닙니까? “필요하다면 결심부터 세우고, 방도는 후에 찾으라!” 이건 대장 동지가 우리한테 늘 하는 말이 아닙니까? B: 하하하…춘용 동무도 처녀는 처녀로구만. 무대에 나서고 싶어 몸살이 난 걸 보니. D: 대장 동지, 저 때문에 그러지 않습니다. 대장 동지, 저하고 갑시다. 네? B: 하하하… 다음은 위대한 장군님의 구상을 높이 받들고, 우리 탄광으로 달려와 피 끓는 청춘으로 새 탄밭을 마련해가고 있는 전국청년고속도굴진돌격대원들이 출연하겠습니다. F: 제복을 입으니까, 참, 멋있구나! 중창: 너와 나 고향을 멀리 떠나서, 동지의 사랑 맺었지. 위훈의 노래를 함께 부르며, 시련도 헤치며 왔네. 뜨거운 정을 나누며 깊어진 우리 사랑, 영원히 영원히 안고 살리라, 동지의 사랑. G: 석지연 비서 동지, 저 동무가 지난 번 낙반 사고 때… H: 알고 있소. I: 동지들, 전 동지들을 다는 모릅니다. 그러나 동지들은 모두 절 알고 있습니다. 언제 한 번 만나 본 적도…
At this time I’m writing a journal in this notebook that my grandfather gifted me. Hopefully, only beautiful memories would be recorded in this notebook... today we gave a housewarming party to the newly built hospital building. Once considered to be treated for over a month in the hospital, the chief comrade actually got discharged by force in just five days from the hospital due to the transition of hospital rooms. We all were worried about his health, but the chief comrade himself, with laughter, said all his pains have gone away as he saw a new building. A: Chief comrade! Chief comrade, this hanging scroll would fit your office... Oh my gosh, do you feel pains again? B: Once having moved into a new building, you know it is like my disease ran hundreds of miles away. C: Chief comrade, by the way, this morning, a phone call came from the head comrade of the Construction Department. He said he was worried about the chief comrade’s health conditions... B: Again, your head of the Political Department apparently made an exaggerated report, right? C: Well, anyway. B: There’s not any special problem. You don’t have to get worried. C: No way. If you were a different person, already... so I heard that the committee was devising some measures. B: Some measures? C: Yeah, yeah... and the coal mine is going to have a musical art performance in 2 days, suggesting to present a joint performance with us, but I couldn’t answer due to difficulties in making up a schedule. B: You mean a joint performance? C: Yes, the coal mine is said to have already gotten the trial performance started. B: Trial performance? C: Indeed. D: Chief comrade, I’m chief officer Jung Choon-yong. Can I talk to you? B: What’s the matter with you? D: Chief comrade, is it true that we refused to have a joint performance suggested by the coal mine? B: Yes, it’s true. D: Hey, why did you refuse? B: We don’t have time to prepare for the performance. D: We are shock guards, aren’t we? “First make up your mind if needed; and later look for the way!” This is the slogan your chief comrade speaks to us all the time, right? B: Hahaha... no doubt Choon-yong comrade is really a young girl. You are now dying for the chance to make a stage appearance. D: Chief comrade, it’s nothing to do with me. Chief comrade, please come with me. Yes? B: Hahaha... Next, there will be a performance by National Youth High Speed Digging Shock Guards who in honor of the will of the Great General, rushed to our coal mine, currently cultivating the new coal field with all blood-boiling young energy. F: Wearing uniforms makes them look really awesome! Chorus: You and I, far away from home, have become united in love as comrades. Singing songs of great achievement together, we’ve come through hardships. Our love that has become deeper and deeper as sharing great affection, in which we will live forever and ever, love of comrades... G: Seok Ji-yeon secretary comrade, that comrade is the one involved in the last roof falling accident, you know.... H: I know that. I: Comrades, I don’t know all of you comrades. However, you comrades know me well. Although there was not a chance to meet face to face...
Native Question
Native Question
탄광에서 마련한 예술소조공연에서 중창을 부른 단체는?
다음 중 병원에서 한 달 이상 치료를 받아야 한다던 대장 동지가 닷새만에 억지로 퇴원하게 된 원인은? A) 병실 이동 B) 예술소조공연 C) 시연회
다음 진술에 대하여 ‘참’ 또는 ‘거짓’으로 답변하십시오: “대장 동지는 평소에 대원들에게 ‘필요하다면 결심부터 세우고, 방도는 후에 찾으라!’라고 강조했다.”
다음 진술에 대하여 ‘참’ 또는 ‘거짓’으로 답변하십시오: “예술소조공연에는 위대한 장군님의 구상을 높이 받들고, 우리 탄광으로 달려와 피 끓는 청춘으로 새 탄밭을 마련해가고 있는 전국청년고속도굴진돌격대원들도 참여했다.”
다음 중 대장 동지가 탄광에서 제기한 연합공연을 거절한 이유는? A) 질병 B) 낙반 사고 C) 시간 부족
Native Answer
Native Answer
정답은 ‘전국청년고속도굴진돌격대.’
정답은 ‘A.’
정답은 ‘참.’
정답은 ‘참.’
정답은 ‘C.’
English Question
English Question
Which group performed the chorus at the coal mine musical art performance?
Why did the chief comrade who was supposed to be hospitalized over a month get discharged by force in five days? A) Transition of hospital rooms B) Musical art performance C) Trial performance
Please answer with either “True” or “False” about the following proposition: “The chief comrade often said, ‘First make up your mind if needed; And later look for the way!’”
Please answer with either “True” or “False” about the following proposition: “The musical art performance was also joined by National Youth High Speed Digging Shock Guards who in honor of the will of the Great General, rushed to our coal mine, currently cultivating the new coal field with all blood-boiling young energy.”
Which of the following is the actual reason why the chief comrade refused to have a joint performance suggested by the coal mine? A) Disease B) Roof falling accident C) Insufficient amount of time
English Answer
English Answer
The correct answer is “National Youth High Speed Digging Shock Guards.”
The correct answer is “A.”
The correct answer is “True.”
The correct answer is “True.”
The correct answer is “C.”
English Word
Housewarming party
대장 동지
Chief comrade
Hanging scroll
Musical art performance
Joint performance
Coal mine
Trial performance
Shock guards
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